OUTReels Seesions


LGBT 101: History, Terminology, and Tools for Allyship

LGBT 101 and Ally-ship ranges from 60-120minute workshops that endeavours to create bridges of understanding about the LGBT community. This includes a deep dive into the language developed and used by the community surrounding identity and self-expression, expands on the context of the historical LGBT rights movement and how it impacts us today and tracks how these developments continue to shape the world that we live in. This session will also explore the many ways to engage in effective ally-ship, both in a personal and professional context and will leave participants with practical tools to help develop new relationships with the gender and sexually diverse community.

This session can be adapted to a variety of audiences:

LGBT 101 for GSA's: This workshop is an introduction to the language, context and identities, for Jr High to High School age students, teachers and Gay Student Alliances.

LGBT 101 & Ally-Ship in the Workplace: This workshop includes ways to engage in effective ally-ship, both in a personal and professional context, as well as tools to help develop new relationships with the community.

Trans and Non-Binary 101: Terminology, Lived Experience and Supports

This workshop explores the developing language of trans identity, the lived experience for trans people including the realities of the health care system and social changes that affect the community. This session will also develop allyship tools for supporting Trans people and their families across a variety of contexts.

This session can be adapted to a variety of audiences:

Trans and Non-Binary 101 for GSA's: This workshop is an introduction to the language, context and identities, for Jr High to High School age students, teachers and GSA's.

Trans and Non-Binary 101 in the Work Place: This will include social and professional capacity building for working with Trans/Non-Binary co-workers, friends, family members, as well as addressing myths and challenges. This is an HR competency building workshop and can be paired with policy consultation.

Trans and Non-Binary Patients: This workshop will build capacity with medical students, nurses, and front line service members with Trans and Non-Binary Patients and address the myth and challenges of medical transition from lived experience.

Pronouns: Why They Matter and How To Use

The use of personal pronouns on email signatures, Zoom meetings and in person has become more common, But what is the why, how and importance of using pronouns for yourself and others? With our session on pronouns you will get an in depth 90 minutes session that will demystify and give context to an important yet quite misunderstood topic regarding allyship. Book your team’s session today and get a better understanding about the power of pronouns.

Our pronoun session can be adjusted for time and content depending on your organizations needs and time constraints.



Results of post-session OutReels surveys found;

  • 94% had an improved understanding of gender identity.

  • 84% had an increased awareness of resources available.

  • 70% felt more comfortable in acting as an ally for LGBTQ+ community.

  • 100% had an increased understanding of LGBTQ+ language.

  • 82% planned to push for future internal pride events at their company.

As an ally, I didn’t feel any judgement. The message was one of support for all, even if we don’t always know what to do or say to show we care.
— RBC participant